Homeopathy for Emotional Issues
Homeopathy is a safe and effective way of dealing with emotional issues. It considers the person on all levels and can support each of us whatever emotion we are experiencing.
Whether you are looking for an immediate relief for panic attacks or exam anxiety, or a solution for long term anxiety or grief, homeopathy has some answers. It helps those who are feeling stuck in a particular emotional state and cannot move on. A homeopathic treatment often involves several remedies to be taken throughout the month and as and when you need it the most.
It can be used alongside conventional treatments as there is no interaction with medicine and is complementary to other therapies such as counselling.
The consultation is a safe place for you to express your feelings. I will listen to you in a non-judgmental way. I will also offer some practical advice if this is appropriate for you.
For having worked in a very demanding environment whilst being a young mother, I can relate to those of you who suffer from stress and anxiety and have the right background to support you.
Further information can be found on my blogs:

Case Studies
To preserve confidentiality, the clients’ names have been replaced by fictitious names.
Anxiety and insomnia in a 17 year-old girl
Joanne came to see me because she was so anxious she could no longer sleep. She was anxious mainly about upcoming exams. She would study very hard until late at night but then would not be able to go to sleep until about 1am. She would wake up after about 3 hours of sleep and would toss and turn in bed for several hours before going back to sleep just before her mum woke her up for the day. She is an independent girl and does not want to rely on her parents for help with studying. Joanne was happy to talk to me during the consultation and revealed at the follow-up that her sleep had starting improving straight away as she has felt better for talking to me. The carefully selected remedy continued the good work during the month and it was a relaxed and happy young lady who came to see me at the follow-up. I prescribed to repeat the remedy during the next month only if she felt her symptoms were relapsing, especially as exams were then approaching fast. I saw her again just before her exams started: she was still sleeping well and not anxious about her exams.
Anxieties and hypersensitivity to sugar in an 8 year-old girl
Emma is a lovely 8-year old girl with hypersensitivity to sugar. She has many anxieties and her parents also tell me that she has mild autism. I can see this as there is no eye contact with me during the consultation. I also notice her behaviour changed completely after having had a sugary snack: she became hyperactive. She has a strong liking for sweet food and little else. Emma likes routine, needs rules to make sense of things and is very logical. She is very sensitive emotionally. Physically, she has had asthma, which runs in the family, since the age of 1 and currently has thrush. Alongside with the prescribed remedy, I give some nutritional advice and asked to see her a month later. Emma is not present at the follow-up but her mum tells me that she has done well with the remedy. Her anxieties are less intense, she is more resilient and deals better with new situations, and generally is enjoying life more. Her thrush has gone and is no longer suffering from constipation. She has been eating better too. The prescription is the same for the next month.
The next follow-up only takes place 5 months later. There has been a relapse in her anxieties, but Emma has good eye contact this time and no shyness. Her sugar intake is under control now and so is her behaviour. She has not had any nightmare or sleep-walking episodes recently. This time, she is more anxious about her family and her lack in self-confidence is more apparent. The remedy has been working well so far and has removed some layers. It is still well indicated and so a change in potency is now appropriate. I have not seen Emma as a client since, but I do see her occasionally when I help at school, she looks a happy and confident girl.
Anxieties and eczema
Sofia, a 24 year-old lady, came to see me for skin problems. She had been suffering from psoriasis for about ten years and her itchy skin was not improving with creams prescribed by her GP. On taking the case, I realised that Sofia was a very anxious young lady. She had developmental delay and so was living with her mum whom she feared at times. She also felt anxious away from home and had to cut a holiday short because of her anxiety. In addition, if something wrong happened during the day, she would think she was to blame.
I prescribed a low potency remedy to take daily for a month. When I saw her at the follow-up, her skin had much improved and was no longer itchy. Her anxiety had also improved and her energy levels were better. She continued the treatment for several months, at the end of which her skin symptoms had nearly disappeared. She also felt relaxed and no longer had this guilty feeling when things happened. 12 months on, I hear that Sofia is still doing well and has been very resilient emotionally despite several difficult events in her life.
What people say about me.
Priscille has a professional and compassionate way of working with her clients. She is very knowledgeable and able to listen well and provide extremely apt advice and guidance. The remedies she prescribed were remarkable and able to bring about profound physical and emotional changes in a subtle, quick and effective way. I went to her after several bereavements and a car crash. She has helped me to turn my life around and get on my positive path again. I certainly recommend Homeopathy with Priscille.
I sought Priscille's help for two separate issues. Firstly she helped me with stress and anxiety issues which I experienced after a major change in my life. I still take the pills as and when I feel the anxiety coming back and feel a lot more relaxed now. Secondly I recently asked Priscille if she could help me with severe back pains. I struggled to get up from bed in the morning because of the pain. I experienced immediate improvement after the first pill and after a few days the pain had completely disappeared. Thank you Priscille for your help!
Ready to find out more?
I offer a free 30-minute call over the phone, during which we can discuss how homeopathy can help you. Please contact me to arrange a call and discuss your needs.