Homeopathy for Children
Homeopathy is a great medicine for children for several reasons.
Firstly, there are no side-effects as there would be with conventional medicine. In addition, there is no impact on the child’s liver to clean the blood stream for unwanted molecules, as homeopathy is entirely natural.
Secondly, homeopathic pills taste good and are easy to administer to babies and children.
And last but not least, homeopathy usually works well in children because they have a responsive immune system.
In many cases, children have been less affected by over-use of antibiotics or other drugs and this allows homeopathy to work effectively. A child with strong reactions to diseases (for example a high fever) is usually a sign that this child is in good health generally and their immune system is fighting the infection. On the other hand, a child with low fevers and repetitive illnesses has a poorer immune system.
Both cases would benefit greatly from homeopathy, as it helps to strengthen the immune system and helps to fight infections and other acute diseases.
Homeopathy also takes into account the whole person, this means that mental and emotional symptoms are also being considered. Homeopathy can treat emotional issues such as anxiety or fear and help children (and their parents!) to lead a happier life.
For example, a child may have been happy and healthy until the birth of a sibling. This child starts developing illnesses to the surprise of their parents. Parents and conventional doctors would generally look at treating the illnesses but on the other hand the homeopath would look at the root cause of the issue and prescribe an appropriate remedy, perhaps one that is appropriate for jealousy and also fits the illnesses. After taking the correct remedy, the child becomes healthy and happy again and no longer has difficulties in accepting the new arrival in the family.

Case Studies
To preserve confidentiality, the children’s names have been replaced by fictitious names.
Frequent migraines in a 10-year old boy
Paul is 10 years old and has been suffering from migraines for the last year or so. They have gone worse and he now has a migraine two to three times a week. His parents asked me to come and see them as they are getting worried for their son. On taking the case, I discover that Paul is a very anxious child; he is also precocious and does not mix well with children. Other children tend to mock him and do not share the same interests as him: he is a keen reader and does not enjoy sports. I prescribe the most similar remedy for him and when I see Paul again after a month, his migraines have reduced in frequency: he only had about 3 during that month. We continue the treatment with the same remedy but change the potency and this time he has to take the remedy daily in a liquid form. Another month later, Paul’s migraines have gone down again. But not only his migraines have improved, his general health has also improved too. He did not get ill that winter when everyone around him got a bad cold. His appetite improved and he is starting to develop an interest in sports. What a change in such a short period of time!
I continue to see Paul for a further 8 months, during which he continues to improve. His migraines are now a rare occurrence, he started secondary school where he made new friends. He is in good health and is no longer anxious. I bumped into mum about a year after the last consultation, she tells me that Paul has not had any migraine at all in that time!
Anxieties and hypersensitivity to sugar in an 8 year-old girl
Emma is a lovely 8-year old girl with hypersensitivity to sugar. She has many anxieties and her parents also tell me that she has mild autism. I can see this as there is no eye contact with me during the consultation. I also notice her behaviour changed completely after having had a sugary snack: she became hyperactive. She has a strong liking for sweet food and little else. Emma likes routine, needs rules to make sense of things and is very logical. She is very sensitive emotionally. Physically, she has had asthma, which runs in the family, since the age of 1 and currently has thrush. Alongside with the prescribed remedy, I give some nutritional advice and asked to see her a month later. Emma is not present at the follow-up but her mum tells me that she has done well with the remedy. Her anxieties are less intense, she is more resilient and deals better with new situations, and generally is enjoying life more. Her thrush has gone and is no longer suffering from constipation. She has been eating better too. The prescription is the same for the next month.
The next follow-up only takes place 5 months later. There has been a relapse in her anxieties, but Emma has good eye contact this time and no shyness. Her sugar intake is under control now and so is her behaviour. She has not had any nightmare or sleep-walking episodes recently. This time, she is more anxious about her family and her lack in self-confidence is more apparent. The remedy has been working well so far and has removed some layers. It is still well indicated and so a change in potency is now appropriate. I have not seen Emma as a client since, but I do see her occasionally when I help at school, she looks a happy and confident girl.
What people say about me.
My 9 year old son had been suffering from blocked sinuses for many months leaving him unable to breathe properly and severe ear ache. Numerous trips to the GP left him with a nasal spray that had no hope of getting into the tubes to do its work and ease his suffering and no advice on what further steps to take. With Priscille's knowledge and expertise in homeopathy, following a chat about the symptoms we were given Silica tablets with instructions on the use and expected results. Within just two tablets (which I was told taste "delicious"!) his nasal tubes were cleared and the ear ache eased. A miracle cure! I would highly recommend Priscille Homeopathy.
I sought Priscille's help for two separate issues. Firstly she helped me with stress and anxiety issues which I experienced after a major change in my life. I still take the pills as and when I feel the anxiety coming back and feel a lot more relaxed now. Secondly I recently asked Priscille if she could help me with severe back pains. I struggled to get up from bed in the morning because of the pain. I experienced immediate improvement after the first pill and after a few days the pain had completely disappeared. Thank you Priscille for your help!
Ready to find out more?
I offer a free 30-minute call over the phone, during which we can discuss how homeopathy can help you. Please contact me to arrange a call and discuss your needs.